The World Factbook Main Content. These are the Categories,. We read every letter or e-mail we receive, and we will convey your comments to CIA officials. They also include audio and video clips from BBC archives.

Select a country , territory or international organisation from the menus below. Our country profiles are selections of key economic statistics by country. They include a wide range of internationally comparable indicators allowing users to assess and compare countries.
Most of the selected indicators are available in our Data Center. Please read the explanatory notes first. It has a continuous culture stretching back nearly 0years and originated many of the foundations of the modern world. You will find the location of the U. This profile contains a general overview and information on the security situation, politics, economy, culture and foreign relations.
Use the interactive maps to access information on the country you’re interested in. The official print version is available from the Government Printing Office. Other companies—such as Skyhorse Publishing—also print a paper edition.
The Factbook is available in the form of a. International Organisations. The Asia Society offers data on Asian and Asia-Pacific countries. The data available in each country profile includes. The Republic of Maldives is an island nation located in the Indian Ocean around the Arabian Sea.
The nation consists of a double chain of twenty-six atolls that lie west of the southern-most tip of India and Sri Lanka. With the capital Malé, located at the southern edge of the North Malé Atoll, having a population of 1069 the entire nation has a population of 39595. IndexMundi contains detailed country statistics, charts, and maps compiled from multiple sources.
Libya, a mostly desert and oil-rich country with an ancient history, has more recently been known for the 42-year rule of the mercurial Colonel Muammar Gaddafi - and the chaos that has followed. IMUNA is proud to hold conferences in various cities throughout the world. This is the best of the general country profiles.

Simple but dense, these include a map, population statistics, environment and more. Coverage is universal, including oceans. Start with this country list, the factbook page, or the CIA publications page. The United Nations Statistics Division, in its mission to promote the development of national statistical systems, has developed a central repository of country profiles of statistical systems.
Country profile on UNHCR operations with. The online Factbook is updated periodically throughout the year. Additional individual country maps have been revised.

For additional and more current information on leadership in selected foreign countries, see Chiefs of State. It has some oil and gas and a developing gold mining sector, but relies on. They are based on over 80different data sources used by researchers to produce the most scientifically rigorous estimates possible.
Estimates from the GBD study may differ from national statistics due to differences in data sources and methodology. Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ).
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