A new documentary titled A Fall From Freedom discusses animal mistreatment at Sea World. Sea World is responsible for the death of thousands of the dolphins and whales they claim to use for public education. During six years with the company, she worked jobs across the animal departments, performing maintenance on tanks and cleaning them, and regularly diving with the animals. SeaWorld faces MORE accusations of animal cruelty as ex-trainer makes staggering claims about how whales are treated.

Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? Dawn had worked with killer whales at SeaWorld for many years and was familiar with the giant. After performing a show and giving him a kiss, Tilikum pulled Dawn into the water. He shook her violently, killing her in front of a full audience at SeaWorld.
In fact, SeaWorld has an informational page on conservation of killer whales. They neglected to mention the abuse the orcas suffer in SeaWorld captivity. I’m sure you’ve heard stories of whale trainers being injure and even killed by killer whales in SeaWorld.

Two former trainers at SeaWorld have released a report that includes firsthand information about the stress that killer whales endure in captivity—stress that the ex-trainers feel led to the deaths of at least two SeaWorld employees. Jeff Ventre (now a doctor) and John Jett (now a biology professor) worked at SeaWorld Orlando and knew trainer Dawn Brancheau, who was killed by a frustrated. The wonderment is how I felt as a chil and how I felt as an adult at SeaWorld for many years. The dread of it was that you knew at the end of the day that these were still killer whales: wild. Aquariums and marine-mammal theme parks like SeaWorl the Miami Seaquarium and Canada’s Marineland are part of a billion-dollar industry built on the suffering of intelligent, social beings who are denied everything that is natural and important to them.
Wild orcas and dolphins live in large, complex social groups and swim vast distances every day in the open ocean. UN LAB Middleware Label: Title Ends At SeaWorld , dolphins, whales, and other animals are confined to cramped tanks, where they go insane from stress and loneliness. That was ridiculous in itself. But there is no legal basis for suing on behalf of an animal that has no say in the suit, however imposing the animal may be.
SEA World has hit back at accusations it operates an “aquaprison” in a revealing insight into what really happens at the Gold Coast theme park. The international tourist attraction has come. Animals have protected rights. SeaWorld’s reputation is about to sustain another blow with the publication on Tuesday of a scathing new book that alleges that the company is little more than a cultish, soulless, money-hungry corporation. The author of Beneath the Surface, John Hargrove, writes from a position of authority.
He was an orca trainer for years at SeaWorld. Why Killer Whales Belong in the Ocean, Not SeaWorld. When we get the facts out to our guests, partners and other constituencies, we win, he said. We know the facts are on our side. What a shame that the facts.

SeaWorld , along with many other recognized and bona fide marine mammal experts are tired of PETA masquerading as legitimate animal experts, and making false and outlandish claims to advance their. SeaWorld accused of animal cruelty after disturbing footage shows young dolphin struggling to get back in the water as trainers do NOTHING. Audience members at the aquatic show last weekend were. SeaWorld’s parks in San Diego, Orlando, and San Antonio landed in the number one spot on our Ten Worst Tanks list for abusive and exploitative treatment of cetaceans. This is not the first time that AAA has shown support for businesses that profit from animal abuse.
It adde “Tell these companies that animal abuse is a very serious issue to you and urge them to end all affiliations with SeaWorld. At SeaWorld and other animal abusement parks, these magnificent beings are separated from their families—including babies who are torn from their mothers’ sides—and can swim only in endless circles between concrete walls, the constant stress of confinement driving them to lash out violently in frustration at each other and their human. See 34traveller reviews, 11candid photos, and great deals for Orlando, FL, at TripAdvisor.
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