A great show of color with bronze-green foliage that turns deep purple -red in fall. Pinkish fruit brightens the plant in summer. Spread a 2- to 3-inch layer of organic mulch around the base of the purple hopseed bush , beginning inches from the trunk.
The clear space prevents excessive moisture buildup, discouraging. The purple leaf shrub does better in partial shade and the green leaf shrub does better in full sun. Foliage is comprised of long narrow leaves, 3-in. Valued for its shiny, dense, purple to bronzy-green foliage and its coarse, tropical texture, this evergreen shrub needs little to no pruning to maintain interesting form, but can be pruned into a small.
By Vanessa Richins Myers. As the fruit matures the capsules turn red or purple to brown in color. Great shrub to screen property lines and unsightly neighboring views.
It will grow more columnar and can be trimmed as a hedge if desire although a more natural pruning is recommended for this shrub. But, it does need room to grow. The width of a shrub is also its depth as it grows equally all around. Its unpruned size can reach feet in width and feet tall. Hopseed bush is a great privacy hedge.
When prune it can be maintained at a lesser size, but feet in width would be too small. The smallest size I would say is 4-feet. You can find it in both a green variety, and a purple variety, so it will fit in with many color schemes.
The plant as a pretty, long tapered leaf, and a light. Dodonaea viscosa is a species of flowering plant in the soapberry family, Sapindaceae, that has a cosmopolitan distribution in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions of Africa, the Americas, southern Asia and Australasia. I purchased it a few months ago at Rillito Nursery in Tucson.
They sell many of your plants. I noticed a few days ago that the ends of the plant are turning brown and crispy. The bottom of the plant has really thinned out.
Shrubs can be trained to grow as trees by cutting out all stems but one. Its foliage is bronzy-green in color, which turns a reddish- purple shade in the fall and winter. Conservation: The fibrous spreading root system, rapid growth, and spreading canopy make an D. It is drought-tolerant and has the ability to withstand wildfires. It is a slow-growing evergreen shrub that can grow – ft.
It blooms greenish yellow flowers in spring and fall. It can be grown as an informal hedge or a patio tree. An evergreen shrub with attractive, long narrow purple-bronze leaves and small red flowers followed by papery capsules in the spring and summer. Provide good drainage and infrequent deep watering after established for healthiest plants and the strongest color.
Hopbush Pretty And Poisonous. Water-Wise Native to the Southwest United States. Fast growing, with many upright stems to – ft. Rich bronzy green leaves turn deep purple in winter. Can be pruned as a hedge or espalier or planted – ft.
Hop Seed bushes come with leaves in either bright, lime green or dark purple. Planted my purple hopseed bushes because they are drought resistant and fast growing. One has already been replaced. All look like they are borderline dead. I have hopseed bushes that will not grow.

Bronze-red tinte olive-like foliage darkens to a deeper red in winter. Pink, papery seed pods from spring to summer. Plant for screens or as accents in Mediterranean gardens. My purple hopseed is the columnar shape, I now know!
I was told the purple could turn into green in the summer, but about half the leaves are still pretty purple , as it was when I bought it. It is a superior purple -leaf cultivar, but is surprisingly less common in plant nurseries. An intensely colorful and easy to grow shrub from Australia. Purple Hop Bush is a fast-growing selection prized for its rich purple foliage.
The flowers are small and inconspicuous but they are followed by little winged seed cases that add an interesting dimension in late summer.
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