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I’d speak with five porn stars on the best sex tips they’ve. Sex tips from former porn star Adam Glasser, who talks sex , women, sex tips, and his new book. What advice would you give to women?
Keep in mind: Dick pics aren’t questions. Get all the sex tips, love and relationship advice from experts to spice up your life and maintain a healthy relationship on the Daily Star. Porn Star Advice From Kayden Kross.

Ashton Bradley had probably the most important piece of advice for men having anal sex. Madison is a porn star with a tube channel where she discusses all the fun stuff involved in being a porn star. I got to sit down with Kacey Parker the oh so lovable and busty porn star and ask her a few questions. Are any of them worth trying? The best pornstar pussies at one glance.
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It led to my biggest book yet, Sex Inspectors Master Class: How To Have An Amazing Sex Life (Penguin). I love giving advice to people. Juicy details from a male porn start about sexual encounters. I use a combination of mental and physical attributes to prolong sex.
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Come for the porn but stay for the sexperience! As real-life, fully-certified porn star Kayden Kross says, “You can’t faze me. Love advice from people who know sex.

BuzzFeed Motion Pictures Staff.
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