It has achieved all-round socio-economic progress since its Independence. To determine a population’s broad density, we. This is because the vast majority of the.

Latest Breaking News, Pictures, Videos, and Special Reports from The Economic Times. Blogs, Comments and Archive News on Economictimes. Although population growth rate has decreased but actual population continue to rise.
India is densely populated. The level of urbanization has gone up from 27. Its birth and death rates are both near the global average.

More than half the population is under age and less than one-fourth is age or older. Life expectancy is about for men and for women. A Demographic Profile of the People of Jammu and Kashmir 1. Hence the demographic dividend can be fully. The basic benchmark statistics on the state of human resources, demography, culture and economic structure at this crucial juncture will be vital to guide and shape the future course of.
The literacy rate in the country is 64. Kerala retained its position by being on top with a 90. Mizoram (8per cent) and Lakshadweep (8per cent). Author: Raghbendra Jha, ANU.
DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE Area Delhi is the National Capital Territory and it is bordered by Haryana on three sides and by Utter Pradesh in the east. Its total population crossed the mark of 121. It is located at North Latitude from 28.
Its population is currently increasing at the rate of 18. Introduction A major emerging demographic issue of the 21st century is the ageing of population as an inevitable consequence of the demographic transition experienced by most countries. News: Latest and Breaking News on demographic profile. As in many countries, declining infant and child mortality helped to spark lower fertility, effectively resulting in a temporary baby boom.
Drug abuse is fast emerging as a problem in adolescents. Incidence of vagrancy: delinquency, alcoholism, drug addiction, truancy and crimes amongst adolescents. Density of Population (per Sq. kms) Literacy-Total 87. However, it is helpful in establishing the baseline demographic profile , since fertility is the single most important driver of other demographic metrics. Once you know the TFR, you can make a rough estimate of the rest.
With varying geographical topography, diversified socio-cultural phenomena, multi-lingual, multi-religious social fabric, it portrays a classic example of unity in diversity. High infant mortality rate: It was about per thousand of live births. Low life expectancy: It was as low as years.
Census is an important source of demographic data. With roughly one-sixth of the world’s total population, it is the second most-populous country, after China. Cr persons a re ‘disabled’ which is 2. In an era where ‘inclusive development’ is.
Information on their s ocio - demographic profile is essential for welfare of disabled persons. Socio- demographic Profile of the Elderly.
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