English dictionary definition of eagerly. Having or showing keen interest, intense desire, or impatient expectancy. Synonyms for eagerly at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for eagerly. Commas are used only to set off a connector, such as however, nevertheless, so, therefore, and so on.
I am eagerly waiting for you is right - without any commas in between.
And before and after subordinate phrases that, in a way, break the flo. Peering eagerly, I looked in the cradle to see my sister. As the crowd stared eagerly at her sultry form, waiting for her to burst into song, she pondered her career choice.
It seems very sad that some people see this as entertainment, watching eagerly for the next instalment. Let me know if I should change any word to make it sound more natural. Tom and Mary are anxiously waiting outside.
Herkes endişeyle bekliyor. Everyone is waiting anxiously.
How long have you been waiting for God’s Kingdom to come? Have you been enduring patiently despite hardship? Some Christians face hatre mistreatment, imprisonment, or even the threat of death. Many others cope with such trials as chronic illness or advancing age. At the bookstore, the hall was packed with children eagerly waiting to learn to spin a yarn.
Thousands of Swindon youngsters will be eagerly waiting up for Santa to drop down the chimney tonight. Definition of eagerly in the Idioms Dictionary. What does eagerly expression mean? While eagerly waiting a decade for her ordination as a priest, Ms. Eagerly - Idioms by The Free Dictionary.
Are these sentences related to the matter of formal letter writing? And not only they, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body. Top synonyms for eagerly waiting (other words for eagerly waiting ) are anxiously awaiting, wait impatiently and eagerly await.
For we were saved in this hope. Bishop Gulle looks forward to welcoming the Olsons, saying, “We are eagerly waiting for them to help us with this translation. We want the Kerewe people to hear God speak to them in their language.
You can be a part of this translation story. Pray for those who speak Kikerewe.
We hate to wait, whether it’s in traffic, in the checkout line, or waiting for Father to finish his homily so we can continue with Mass and get on with the rest of our day. We especially don’t like to wait on someone else – someone who. This video is unavailable. High quality example sentences with “ eagerly waiting ” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in. We were eagerly waiting by actively working for it.
Waiting for God is not laziness. We have goats ,buffaloes and cows at my farm. They are good source of milk,ghee,and cheese. I always feel happy to feed them. It’s dog days for the people of Rayalaseema till normal rains arrive by the end of July, and even the availability of drinking water has turned a big problem in many rural pockets with monsoon.
Work has begun on the new location. We field questions from customers daily about the reopening, but really, no one is more excited than our staff. ISSA AMINNOAUDITING AND ACCOUNTING MANAGER BANQUE ATLANTIQUE-OUAGADOUGOUBURKINA FASO.
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