Your vagina naturally contains a balanced mix of yeast , including candida, and bacteria. Certain bacteria (lactobacillus) act to prevent an overgrowth of yeast. But that balance can be disrupted.
An overgrowth of candida or penetration of the fungus into deeper vaginal cell layers causes the signs and symptoms of a yeast infection. A vaginal yeast infection , also known as candidiasis, is a common condition. A healthy vagina contains bacteria and some yeast cells.
But when the balance of bacteria and yeast changes, the yeast. A woman can transmit a vaginal yeast infection to a man via sexual contact. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) and yeast infections are both common forms of vaginitis. While the symptoms are often the same or similar, the underlying cause and treatment is different. There are several different signs and symptoms that may indicate you have a yeast infection.
Remember that since yeast infections can occur in various parts of the body and can impact the body in a myriad of ways, the signs and symptoms can also present themselves in ways that may seem od or may seem as if they are linked to another condition. Yeast Infection Skin Rash Symptoms.